Dataverse Image fields not copiyng in full resolution using the XRMToolBox DataTransporter? Power Automate to the rescue!

When moving data from a custom Table I created to store Rich Text Images into another environment using the XRMToolbox data transporter, I noted the images looked blurry:

Checking the image size, it’s only a small image (like a few KB) when the original image had more than 200kb in size.

So I wondered, what went wrong in the copy.

It turns out the Image field is a reference to a ‘FileAttachment’ table item on the background, and we can’t easily copy and filter items from the FileAttachments using the XRM toolbox.

Power Automate to the rescue!

When playing around a Flow to try helping with the data copy I noted two actions in Power Automate that actually I had never used before:

Download a file or an image
Upload a file or an image

And with the ‘For a Selected Environment’ actions, we have the same. So we could create a manually triggered flow that gets all images from a source and updates it in the destination environment.


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SharePoint and Office 365 Consultant/Developer always trying to get the best from Microsoft stack (Microsoft 365/Azure/Power Platform and related stuff).

Living in Ireland since 2018, I had previously worked in Brazil as a consultant/developer for Office 365, SharePoint and related technologies for almost 10 years.

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