Unleashing the Power of ‘isDefaultPrevented()’ method in Dynamics 365


Dynamics 365 forms offer a powerful platform for customizing user interactions and logic using JavaScript. One often overlooked gem in this toolbox is the isDefaultPrevented() method. This little powerhouse is key to unlocking intricate control over your form’s save behavior, leading to smoother workflows and enhanced user experiences.

The isDefaultPrevented() method is available on event objects in both standard web APIs and libraries like jQuery. It helps you determine whether the default behavior of the event has been prevented or not.

Here’s a breakdown of its functions:

What it does

isDefaultPrevented() checks if the preventDefault() method has been called on the event object before.

preventDefault() essentially tells the browser not to perform the default action associated with the event.

How it works

You usually call isDefaultPrevented() within an event handler function, where you receive the event object as an argument.

If preventDefault() has been called before reaching your handler, isDefaultPrevented() will return true. This means the default action is prevented.

If preventDefault() hasn’t been called, isDefaultPrevented() will return false. This means the default action will occur unless you explicitly prevent it in your handler using preventDefault().

Use Case

Let’s dive into real-life scenarios where isDefaultPrevented() shines:

Conditional Save with Field Validation:

Let’s say you have a “Quote” form where certain fields must be filled before the quote can be saved. We can utilize isDefaultPrevented() in combination with field validation like this:

function onSave(executionContext) {

// Validate required fields

var isValid = true;

[“customerid”, “product”, “price”].forEach(function (fieldName) {

var fieldValue = executionContext.getFormContext().getAttribute(fieldName).getValue();

if (!fieldValue) {

isValid = false;

executionContext.getFormContext().getAttribute(fieldName).setNotification(“This field is required.”);



// Prevent save if validation fails

if (!isValid) {


alert(“Please fill in all the required fields before saving.”);



This code iterates through a list of required fields, checking if each field has a value. If any field is empty, we set a notification and mark isValid as false. Finally, if validation fails, we call preventDefault() and display an alert, preventing the incomplete quote from being saved.


While Dynamics 365 forms offer great features, mastering their save behavior can take your user experience to the next level. This is where the often-overlooked isDefaultPrevented() method shines. By understanding its power and implementing it creatively, you can:

Prevent data errors: Stop duplicate records, enforce field validation, and customize save logic based on specific conditions.

Enhance user interaction: Provide informative feedback if saves are canceled, trigger custom workflows, and offer conditional form behavior.

Streamline workflows: Optimize performance by skipping unnecessary validations and integrating seamlessly with other tools.

Remember, isDefaultPrevented() is just one piece of the puzzle. Combine it with your JavaScript expertise and Dynamics 365 knowledge to unlock hidden potential and craft dynamic forms that meet your unique needs.

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