3 Key Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Implementation Essentials Addressed

Implementing a CRM has been a challenge for organizations because of the layers of changes it brings with itself. As per statistics, almost 70% of CRM implementation projects fail.

But as the saying goes, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently”- Henry Ford

Also, the benefits of a successful implementation far outweigh the risks of failure. From developing long-lasting relationships with current clients and prospects to having consolidated data of your clients on one platform, CRM takes the business to next level is no hidden fact. Being considered one of the fastest-growing software in digital marketing, its expected market value by the year 2028 is $146 billion.

And with such numbers backing up, organizations take up the implementation headfirst and join the CRM community. You have successfully implemented and set up Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, one of the leading CRMs, within your organization.

But now what? Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM implementation was just the first step. How to ensure that your CRM implementation comes out as successful and does not meet the same fate?

That’s what we are going to cover in this detailed blog post. We will touch base:

Importance of high CRM adoption rates
Collaboration between Teams
Focus on IT and cost implications

Importance of High CRM Adoption Rates

Importance of High CRM Adoption Rates

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM software, although a sales revenue generator, is not a magical solution to close more deals. It’s the employees, your salespeople, who will work with your prospects, clients, and partners and drive more revenue. The power of CRM lies in high-performing sales teams. And the most important step in achieving this is to train them to use CRM and increase your organization’s overall adoption rate.

90% of companies stated that with improved CRM adoption, the productivity of sales reps increases thereby reducing the sales cycle time.

With User Adoption Monitor integrated within your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, you can take your CRM user adaptivity to next level. A smart non-intrusive activity tracker, it monitors user actions to help businesses understand adoption and evaluate and design their business processes accordingly. From lead generation to invoicing, or any OOB or Custom entities, you can track, analyze and enhance the way your employees are using CRM and its features.

You can even take the adoption to the next level by gamifying your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with the only Gamification app for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE by Inogic- Gamifcs365. Motivate your reps in using CRM more, do more sales, etc. using different competitive games, scoreboards, and leaderboards.

Schedule a quick demo with our experts to get your adoption and motivation rates going!

Collaboration between Departments

Collaboration between Departments

Getting different departments within an organization to work together and utilize CRM is one of the deciding factors of a successful CRM implementation. CRM is not only a sales tool, but if used right, can also become much more. The marketing team and sales team have key roles to play in making CRM a success, as both are crucial to lead generation and client satisfaction. But this gap, however thin it may be, needs to be bridged.

To bring sales and marketing together, you need to get the marketing data within your CRM. And that means bringing all the campaigns, user activities, and other data from marketing tools like Mailchimp, within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM. Marketing4Dynamics, a 1 click plugin that integrates Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Mailchimp, provides a unified view of sales and marketing engagement of customers and prospects in CRM. With multiple sync features like syncing CRM contacts with Mailchimp audience, Mailchimp campaign data to CRM, etc., it helps the sales and marketing team to collaborate effectively.

Another integral collaboration is of Accounts and Sales. Most small and medium-sized businesses use Intuit QuickBooks Online for managing their account processes. And there’s constant juggling between the two platforms for sales teams. They need to stay on top of the incoming orders, recurring payments, etc to understand their clients better and strategize accordingly. InoLink, a bi-directional integration of QuickBooks Online and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Online, provides a 360-degree view of customer accounting data right within your CRM.

Schedule a quick demo with our experts to smoothen collaboration between your teams within CRM!

Focus on IT and cost implications

Focus on IT and cost implications

Implementing CRM does not just bring changes in the employees’ work culture but also in IT infrastructure and investments. As your business grows, your CRM data in the form of attachments, documents, etc. also grows. The IT team needs to handle the storage needs, data back up and migration as well. And the costs of ever-growing CRM storage also have to be considered.

One of the solutions to this rising data storage and costs is to integrate your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with alternate/different cloud storage. With Attach2Dynamics, connect multiple cloud storage viz Azure Blob Storage, Dropbox, SharePoint Security Sync, etc. From real-time migration of files with an intuitive drag-and-drop UI for managing files and folders, Attach2Dynamics fulfills all your storage and document management needs.

The next step is to ensure your files and folders stored in selected cloud storage are secure. With SharePoint being one of the preferred cloud storage among CRM users, you can get Inogic’s SharePoint Security Sync to ensure the security model of Dynamics 365 CRM is replicated within SharePoint, which the native integration does not provide. With this secure and robust SharePoint integration app, auto-sync Dynamics 365 CRM security privileges in SharePoint.

Schedule a quick demo with our experts to get CRM disk space and document management needs addressed!

How Inogic can assist in driving your CRM strategy ahead?

Tackling the above challenges is important. But as an organization, it is also important to understand that a well-planned strategy addressing the initial steps to outlining the growth and future needs, is a must. And while a CRM has lots of features and functionalities, there will always be a need for various integrations, add-ons, and customizations.

Inogic, Microsoft ISV Gold Partner, is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM app providers. With its suite of 15+ co-sell-ready Microsoft AppSource preferred apps, it caters to all industries worldwide. Check out our various apps and their successful implementations across business, or get in touch with us at crm@inogic.com and our team will get back to address your needs.

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