Agile Selling with CPQ Add-on Software for Dynamics 365 – Three Key Takeaways – CRM Software Blog

We, at DealHub, have recently partnered with to host an expert panel discussing  How Agile Selling Transforms the Way Organizations Do Business. Moderated by Rick McCutcheon, a Dynamics 365 MVP, the panel also included sales leaders Veronika Janu, RevOps EVP at Unit4, Chuck Ingram, CEO at congruentX, Greg Williams, VP Strategy at Western Computer, and Eyal Orgil, DealHub’s CRO and Co-Founder.

The discussion focused on three crucial points that affect how sales organizations will find success in the days ahead. We’re excited to share them with you here!

1. Companies that are Using Dynamics 365 to Adopt Digital Selling Processes

In recent years, we’ve seen a marked shift in sales processes. The worldwide pandemic has been a principal factor in changing the way customers make buying decisions. Becoming an ever more complex process, organizations with an eye on the future have begun redesigning their sales processes and finding new ways to manage opportunities. Employing advanced CRM and CPQ solutions has allowed these forward thinking businesses to go fully digital while personalizing and automating key steps in the sales workflow.

True, digital transformation has boosted innovation. However, many organizations have been slow to get on the bandwagon, selling the same way they have been for the past 20 years. These sales leaders, failing to embrace the change or even being unaware of it, are losing sales and customers.

In today’s market, interacting digitally with customers is necessary. Yet, communicating in a flurry of messages across disparate channels isn’t an ideal experience – for the buyer or the seller. Creating a streamlined, unified approach for sales interactions relieves the friction that impedes the sales process and helps close more deals.

DealHub’s CPQ for Dynamics 365 is one such solution. Streamlining the quote-to-cash process, DealHub lets both buyers and sellers work together within a digital DealRoom, where all agreements, legal documents, and other deal-related collateral are available. The Digital DealRoom brings order to the chaos of multi-channel communication, making the deal making process efficient, collaborative, and transparent. Within the DealRoom, you can easily trace contract versions and revisions, manage redlines, and e-sign documents to keep things moving ahead.

Stakeholders in the sales process crave innovation in what has been a largely unchanged field for too long. They are looking for a streamlined workflow, and the ability to make and adapt quickly to changes. DealHub’s CPQ for Dynamics 365 brings  a more dynamic and engaging experience for everyone.

2. Embracing Cloud-based Innovation 

Innovation has been a slow process for some, especially in the B2B sector. But failing to change with the times leaves a company out of sync with its customer base, and in turn, fails to deliver the experience that aligns with their preferences and expectations.

One cause of this failure to adapt rests with companies’  software selection process. Up until this point, it’s been largely controlled by IT and the technological constraints that they have to work with. Now that the modern tech stack for organizations – including ERP and related applications – is cloud-based, much of the work and integration has been alleviated, making software selection a joint business decision, rather than simply a technical one. According to Cloud Adoption Statistics for 2022, 94% of enterprises already use a cloud service with an estimated 30% of all IT budgets allocated to cloud computing. By contrast, companies who have stayed put with an on-premises ERP solution are facing ransomware attacks almost weekly – another motivator to get to the cloud as soon as possible.

3. Leaving Legacy Selling Behind with DealHub CPQ and Dynamics 365 

Transforming business processes and creating lean workflows is an overwhelming challenge for any sales organization. Some only go halfway, leaving out a critical factor -the buyer’s journey.

The sales methodology of the past is less effective in today’s marketplace. Sales representatives must take note of where the customer is positioned in the pipeline and meet them where they are. Having the right tools at one’s disposal is important in achieving this.

Sales success and sales efficiency go hand-in-hand. Processes must be flexible and agile, allowing representatives to customize interactions for individual customers, rather than implementing a one-size-fits-all approach. Once again, this becomes a possibility with the aid of the right digital sales toolkit.

Consolidating communication channels is important, as well. During the pandemic years, the majority of client interactions happened via email and chats. Having so many different channels can become overwhelming, leaving both customers and salespersons uncertain of which method to use to move forward with a deal. Having a central hub for deal communications alleviates confusion and allows the deal to proceed without hindrance.

DealHub delivers one fluid sales motion via its Agile CPQ for Dynamics 365, a unified end-to-end platform from price quotes, to contracts, subscription management, and renewal, centralizing buyer communications, and workflows needed to close deals.

All stakeholders have full visibility into deal activity while benefiting from guidance and insights. No longer is there a question of what route to take to reach the customer. Leveraging such a system hastens the digital transformation of sales processes to achieve a modern, customer-centric approach.

Looking to the Future of B2B Selling with Dynamics 365 and CPQ Systems

For years, sales professionals have dreamed of having a single place for all sales-related activities and a 360° view of the deal-making process. Today that dream has become reality. Now, managing the flood of information has become the next challenge.

Each stakeholder working on a deal, from sales to management to the customer, wants the information they need at their fingertips so they can get their part of the job done. Providing contextual information without overwhelming the user is a delicate balance.

DealHub is pioneering the field, making powerful sales stack solutions that are simple and easy to use. While offering broad capabilities from prospecting to organizing the sales pipeline.  It’s a unified system, with actionable data and a clear workflow insight that eliminates the confusion created by previous legacy solutions. 

B2B selling is predicted to experience accelerated growth. Technology, talent, and transparency merge with B2B sales to fulfill the expectations and ease the pain points of buyers and sellers.

Embracing digital transformation in the pricing and sales processes is key to getting and staying ahead in the future selling landscape.

To watch the full expert panel, The Future of Agile Selling with DealHub and Dynamics 365 click here!

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