Meet the Salesforce Characters and Mascots

I’m Domenique, sometimes better known as “Astro’s mom.” I’m the guardian of the entire lineup of Salesforce characters, and people ask me all the time how they came to be. So here’s the story!

It was a SaaSy time

Way back in 1999, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff dreamed of a way to make software easier to purchase, simpler to use, and more democratic in general. What would companies and individuals be free to do if they weren’t always dealing with the complexity of installing, maintaining, and constantly updating their software?

The NO SOFTWARE concept and logo were created from this vision, and our original mascot, SaaSy, followed soon after. A creation of Bruce Campbell, SaaSy challenged the idea of what enterprise software had to be.

SaaSy is still out there at Salesforce events, finding new ways to bring our customers together and rooting them on. Happy and energetic, SaaSy knows that work can also be fun!


  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Representative of The End of Software
  • Charming, social, extroverted, encouraging, rebellious, independent
  • Favorite badge: Salesforce Culture and Values

As our original mascot, SaaSy unified our customers and encouraged them on their way. Now, just like our company, our family has grown.

Meet Astro: Your guide to Salesforce

In 2014, I was the only creative on the Developer Marketing team as we prepared for Developer Week. We were working on a concept of an early MTV-inspired “moon landing” graphic, and we wanted to present a T-shirt to all participating developers. But not just your average conference T-shirt — it definitely had to have a “cool” factor.

As any creative knows, many of your initial concepts may miss the mark, so I probably made about a dozen T-shirt designs and heard lots of “no’s.” But together with Rochelle Truong, our office manager (and a secret illustrator), we created a graphic with an astronaut. The community adored the shirt — she really nailed it — and Astro was born! As part of Trailhead — Salesforce’s free online learning platformSamantha Ready then expanded the concept by giving Astro their last name: Nomical.

The character of Astro is what Salesforce is all about: giving you the skills to build amazing things and welcoming you into our amazing Trailblazer Community. Astro has saved a place for you!

Astro the Salesforce character illustration in a Trailblazer hoodie

Astro Nomical

  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Representative of community and inclusion
  • Faithful, happy, curious, adventurous, inspiring, joyful, caring, versatile
  • Favorite badge: Get Started with Trailhead

Astro is your warm and welcoming guide to everything at Salesforce. Astro can be anything they can dream of — that’s why they wear so many different costumes! Astro helps you become the best at anything you want to do, too!

Astro always encourages Trailblazers to achieve their goals by experimenting with new things, asking lots of questions, and always remembering to have fun. Ever curious and constantly learning, they love traveling, making new friends, and having brand-new adventures on the trail.

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Meet Astro’s friends: The Salesforce characters

Now that you know about Astro and their backstory, come learn about the rest of the inhabitants of Salesforcelandia!

Flo the Flying Squirrel: Helping you reach new heights with automation

Flo the flying squirrel character illustration. Flo wears a cape and old-fashioned aviator goggles on her forehead.

Automation is all about taking action, fast, with repeatable results. Flo is full of energy and always making life better for those around him. Flying squirrels are the ultimate team players. They huddle together in nests, share their ecosystem with other animals, and are all about connecting together in a welcoming way.

Flo can walk on the ground, soar through the air, and climb trees with ease, much like how automation can simplify nearly every workflow across industries. Flo’s philosophy is that nothing is too difficult to overcome. Just like Salesforce Flow, the character Flo is agile, hard-working, and ready to help take your team to new heights.

Einstein the character illustration

Einstein: Our resident genius

  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Representative of Einstein Product and AI Innovation at Salesforce
  • Smart, nimble, innovative, knowledgeable, forward-thinking
  • Favorite Trailhead trail: Get Smart with Salesforce Einstein

Quick-thinking Einstein is our resident problem solver and data scientist. Einstein will help you learn all about your customers. Einstein’s analytical mind means he’s passionate about learning new things, and he’s always ready to expand on the knowledge he’s accumulated. He even wants to use his knowledge to help him predict the future!

As generous as he is brilliant, Einstein is always ready to help you gain knowledge and find new solutions. With Einstein, you can unlock your inner genius and learn to analyze and make smart predictions!

Genie the Rabbit: Bringing customer magic to every interaction

  • Pronouns: They/Them
  • Representative of Salesforce Data Cloud
  • Kind, helpful, witty, fun, insightful
  • Favorite Trailhead badge: Data Cloud: Quick Look
Genie the rabbit illustration with magic wand

Rolling up their sleeves, Genie the Rabbit means business. Magical business. This character brings the power of Salesforce Customer 360 to life in both visible and meaningful ways. They bring a data-driven sparkle to customer relationships in real-time. They bring customer magic to every interaction, and they always have safety and security at the top of their mind.

Genie is quick on their feet, is playful, and can take on jobs of any size. Together with business teams, they make amazing things happen.

Cloudy the goat illustration

Cloudy the Goat: Keeping you on track

  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Representative of Salesforce Admins
  • Trustworthy, sure-footed, helpful, confident, encouraging, unique
  • Favorite Trailhead badge: Flow Builder Logic

Cloudy knows that you can be a leader and achieve success with Salesforce! Tech-savvy and smart, Cloudy builds innovative, cloud-based apps. She really loves to be at the center of the action!

Her best characteristics are her confidence and her steadfast nature, but her in-depth knowledge of everything cloud-related is also certainly a bonus! Cloudy finds the best in everyone and encourages them to explore their own unlimited potential.

Codey the Bear: Inspiring all builders and makers

  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Representative of Salesforce Developers
  • Playful, charming, outgoing, bold, fearless, unexpected
  • Favorite Trailhead trail: Develop Apps for Slack
Codey the bear illustration

You’ll find Codey paws-deep in all kinds of big projects and always having a great time! Whether he’s coding an app or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista,’ Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive right in to get things done.

Codey believes that you can create absolutely anything with clicks or with code, and he wants to inspire makers everywhere to build amazing things. While he may be fearless, he’s certainly not ferocious. In fact, he loves to give out bear hugs! With Codey at your side, you’re able to build anything on the Salesforce Platform.

Ruth the elephant illustration

Ruth the Elephant: Scaling the summit for architects

  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Representative of Salesforce Architects
  • Responsible, universal, technical, humble
  • Favorite Trailhead superbadge: Advanced Apex Specialist

When you need to get into the technical details, just ask the elephant in the room! Ruth won’t let you down. She’s an architect at heart and is here to help you scale to new heights in your career.

Ruth’s name stands for Responsible, Universal, Technical, Humble. It’s no wonder she’s so loved.

Brandy the Fox: Your Marketing Moments inspiration

Brandy the fox illustration

Brandy the Fox is a moment-maker. Bold, brilliant, and dependable, Brandy is full of inspiring ideas that help marketers thrive. Creative yet analytical, she will be the brains behind your strategy so that every moment feels like magic.

Every team needs an on-the-go, work-from-anywhere marketer — and that’s Brandy!

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Appy the Bobcat: Guiding you through the partner ecosystem

  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Given name: Appygail
  • Representative of Partners
  • Motivated, innovative, entrepreneurial
  • Favorite Trailhead badge: Salesforce Partner Community
Appy the bobcat illustration

Did you ever wish you had a guide to help you through a complicated situation? Well, Appy is here for that! Appy has the inside scoop on all things Salesforce, and she loves to lead the way and help you navigate the AppExchange ecosystem.

A mover and shaker, Appy uses her extensive network to get things done. In those (rare) cases where she doesn’t know an answer, she will connect you with the right person to help solve your problem.

Inspiring entrepreneurs everywhere to turn their dreams into reality, there’s no challenge too great for Appy. She’s always here to help, and she believes in you.

Blaze the wolf illustration

Blaze the Wolf: Your trusted trail guide

  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Representative of Customer Success
  • Faithful, nurturing, keen, intelligent, instinctive, intuitive
  • Favorite Trailhead badge: Field Service Center Customization

Blaze is a born leader who knows a thing or two about safely navigating the wild. She can help you jump over obstacles, move around barriers, and clearly see the path forward.

Blaze is a naturally social creature who loves teamwork. With Blaze at your side, you can stay on the path to success, and you’ll always have a loyal friend.

Max the Mule: Your integration superhero

  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Representative of all things MuleSoft
  • Fun, hard-working, resourceful. Known for his bright smile.
  • Favorite Trailhead superbadge: Data Integration Specialist
Max the mule illustration

Max the Mule is a superhero of syntax, a kicker of code, and full of heart. In the world of integration, he combines the strength of a donkey to haul data and code with the speed of a stallion for faster integrations.

Max represents the best of all worlds, connecting apps, data, and devices for heroic integration.

Koa the dog illustration

Koa the Dog: Your Chief Love Officer

Koa the Dog has been part of the family since the beginning when we were a small business. Spirited, resourceful, loyal, fun, and friendly, he’s the ultimate “best friend” — a faithful companion who’s always there for you. With Koa the Dog by your side, you can always do what you love.

Hootie McOwlface the Owl: Your skill-up partner

  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Representative of skills and credentials
  • Knowledgeable, trusted, bookish, academic, prepared
  • Favorite Trailhead badge: Storytelling and Communication
Hootie the owl illustration

Hootie always wants to help you skill up, earn credentials, and pursue your dream career. Hootie is well known for being both knowledgeable and trustworthy, and he believes that with the right preparation and study, your career can fly to new heights. Hootie wants you to soar straight to the job of your dreams!

You are welcome here, with all our Trailheart

And that’s the entire Salesforce cast of characters! They were all brought to life by what was happening in the wider community, and they’re here not only for each other but also for you.

At its core, Trailhead has always been positive, supportive, and purposeful. So we call the passion for what we do here “Trailheart.” Whether you’re learning new skills, connecting with each other, or giving back to the community, Astro and friends are here to encourage you all along the way.

So dive in and chase some badges (like Codey!), blaze a trail (like Ruth!), or soar to new career heights (like Hootie!) at You can kick things off by signing up (for free!) and completing the Beginner’s Quest (learn new skills, win fun prizes!) Start Your Trailblazer Journey trailmix.

Want to learn more? Listen to the Admin podcast episode from October 2022: A Brief History of Salesforce Characters with Domenique Buxton.

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