Posted By Belinda Allen on 22 Mar 2023 in Dyn365GP
When I am working on, building and/or designing my Microsoft Power BI reports, I go back and forth between my desktop PC and my notebook. If my data source is a local file, like an Excel file, it can be tricky. Tricky, that is, if you do not use parameters for the file path. I use this feature now, EVERY time I work with local data. Saves me oodles of time and frustration! Check it…
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Parameters for Excel File Path in Microsoft Power BI
When I am working on, building and/or designing my Microsoft Power BI reports, I go back and forth between my desktop PC and my notebook. If my data source is a local file, like an Excel file, it can be tricky. Tricky, that is, if you do not use parameters for the file path.
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Belinda Allen