Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Spring ’24 Highlights

While many of us are still feeling the chill of winter, Salesforce’s Spring ’24 release is in full bloom! Let’s review some of the Nonprofit Cloud highlights from this release that will lead to brighter days ahead for your organization.


3rd-Party Integrations

You now have the ability to quickly and easily integrate 3rd-party applications with Fundraising using Business Process API. This new feature allows for matching and creating donor records, donations, and installments, storing external payment data, linking campaigns, source codes, and designations, adding data to custom fields, and submitting donation data in a single payload.

Don’t forget to check out: Salesforce Releases New Google and LinkedIn Data Cloud Integration

Split Gift Transaction Amount Attribution

Users can now split the attribution of revenue on gifts between multiple upgraded campaigns, making it easier than ever to measure campaign ROI. Salesforce will attribute a transaction based on the ratio in which each campaign influenced the transaction amount.

Outreach Source Code URLs

Save time by automatically generating unique, shareable URLs based on UTM parameters set by the user. These URLs can be used to attribute an online donation to the outreach source code, allowing digital fundraisers to easily measure the effectiveness of online outreach.

Track Payment Data

Salesforce has implemented improved methods to track payment data like payment method, transaction fees, and metadata. This update allows users to streamline processes like donor support requests, monitor processing fees, resolve accounting errors, and manage integrations.

Program and Case Management for Experience Cloud

The Program and Case Management for Experience Cloud permission set has been updated to include create, read, update, and delete permissions. You can change these permissions in your org by going to the Program and Case Management for Experience Cloud permission set, adding the Program and Case Management for Experience Cloud permission set to a permission group that includes your own permission sets, and assigning the permission set group to your users.

Managed Packages

Find/Fix Duplicates in Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)

Users with NPSP can now find and merge potential duplicate contacts on the NPSP Contact Merge page. This feature replaces the Potential Duplicates component on the Contact page.

Security Enhancements for Volunteers for Salesforce

Salesforce has released updates to Volunteers for Salesforce to enhance security.

dont miss out iconCheck out another amazing blog here by DB Services: Salesforce Spring ’24 Highlights


Spring is on its way, and so is increased functionality and efficiency to your Salesforce org! If you’d like more information on these Nonprofit Cloud updates or if you want to view past updates, please visit the official Salesforce Spring ’24 release notes.

If you have any questions about Salesforce or want to see any of the implementations in your own Salesforce organization, please get in touch with our team at DB Services!

Need help with your Salesforce digital transformation? Contact us to discuss Salesforce consulting, implementation, development, and support!

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