Top Salesforce Spring ’23 Release Features

The wait is finally over. Salesforce Spring ’23 release features are here and we cannot wait to discover the outstanding releases. As we know by now that Salesforce, the global #1 CRM, comes up with three major releases every year with its most innovative and advanced features to stay on top of its game.

Let’s dive right into the latest features.


Add relevant user filters to customize Lightning reports. Schedules, recipients, and attachments for Analytics subscription reports. With only one click, templated apps in CRM Analytics may be refreshed, and dashboard pages can be accessed.

Lightning Dashboards: Text and Graphics Enhancement (Beta)

Rich text explanations that are contextually relevant can be used to clarify tables, metrics, and charts. Embedding photos, flowcharts, and company logos are all good additions. Use section headings, narrative prose, and even animated GIFs to lead users through your data.

Where: Lightning Experience in Unlimited Edition is affected by this modification.

How: Make contact with Salesforce Support to enable this feature.


New and enhanced functionality for B2B and B2B2C commerce, Omnichannel inventory, Salesforce order management, and Salesforce payments are among the improvements made to the Commerce Cloud.

Increase your Awareness of Shared Group Reservation Counts

When several location groups share a single location, information regarding group reservation counts is now available in Omnichannel Inventory endpoints.

Where: Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Lightning Experience are all affected by this change.

Don’t forget to check out: Top Salesforce Spring ’23 Sales Cloud Features

Customer Data Platform

Customer Data Platform (formerly known as Salesforce CDP) enables you to link and synchronize data from various sources, fuel the personalized and linked marketing experiences that your consumers want, and track cross-channel engagement activity.

Track Modifications using Second-Generation Packages

Due to the source-driven nature of second-generation (2GP) packages created with the Salesforce Developer Experience CLI, partners are free to use any tools they like to manage package versions. Instead of saving their development metadata in a developer org, they can also store it in their own version control system. The Customer Data Platform’s 2GP is accessible for relationships, data kit entities, data models and mappings, and streams via Amazon S3. Partners on the AppExchange can use second-generation packages to create, manage, and distribute their apps and metadata.

Where: Every edition of Lightning Experience is affected by this modification.


By managing picklist values in bulk, time is saved. With Dynamic Forms, you can improve the case and lead record pages. Identify who has access to records and why, and improve sharing to better secure the private information of your users.

Understanding Who Has Access to Records and Why

For your business to secure record access, it is essential to know who has access to a record. To find out with whom a record is shared, look at the sharing hierarchy. You can also discover whether a user’s access is restricted by a restriction rule and the user’s motivation for requesting access.

Where: This modification is applicable to the Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Lightning Experience.

How: Click Sharing Hierarchy from the Action Menu on the desired record to view a list of users who have access. Click View next to the user’s name to view the reasons for the record’s access or restriction.

All applicable sharing reasons, along with the titles of the owner-based and criteria-based sharing rules, are displayed when you click View.

A notification appears to confirm that access has been blocked if a restriction rule prevents access to the record.


These improvements assist you in creating fantastic applications, integrations, and packages for resale to other businesses, whether you use Lightning components, Visualforce, Apex, or our APIs with your preferred programming language.

dont miss out iconCheck out another amazing blog by Apphienz here: Top Salesforce Spring ’23 Sales Cloud Features

Using the DevOps Center, Manage and Release Changes (Generally Available)

Manage your releases and modifications by utilizing the DevOps Center’s point-and-click user interface, the source control system directly, or a combination of both. We handle the source control branches behind the scenes so that builders and developers can concentrate on development activities.

Where: The Lightning Experience in the Developer, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, and Unlimited editions is affected by this change. The use of DevOps Center in Government Cloud and Government Cloud Plus has not been evaluated and is not advised.

Who: Every customer has access to DevOps Center, which they may enable from the Setup menu. In the org where DevOps Center is installed, add team members as users to begin using it. Additionally, users need access to their team’s GitHub repository as well as a GitHub account.

Why: Changes are documented in a source control system as opposed to change sets, where you manually monitor your changes. Spreadsheets can go away. Collaboration between administrators, developers, release managers, QA, and other business stakeholders is facilitated by having a single source of truth for configuration and code.

How: Activate DevOps Center in the organization where you intend to install it, agree to the license terms, and then set up the managed package. Enter DevOps Center from Setup in the Quick Find box, then choose DevOps Center.


With significant improvements to core and productivity features, sales management procedures may be made more efficient. Reps’ work can also be automated. Account Discovery, a fresh tool with dashboards and Einstein Discovery models, is available to Revenue Intelligence users.

Apply Conversation Insights Measures while Providing Enablement

Sales managers have the option of integrating voice and video metrics into their Enablement initiatives and viewing conversation data in reports and dashboards.

Where: This modification is applicable to Lightning Experience’s Einstein Conversation Insights. Performance and Unlimited editions, as well as Enterprise Edition with an add-on, all have Einstein Conversation Insights.

Who: Users with Enablement access can now use this feature.

How: Go to General Settings under Einstein Conversation Insights in Setup to get conversation insights measurements. Turn on the measures for enabling conversations and insight reports.

Salesforce Flow

Create intelligent processes using Flow Orchestration, OmniStudio, and Flow Builder. Utilize Flow Integration to integrate any system.

Without using Code, Import External data into Flow Builder (Beta)

Create Flow Builder actions that use HTTP Callout to make calls to web-based service APIs to automate processes using external data. Following the addition of the API’s specifics, Flow Builder creates a reusable action that you can use immediately both within Flow Builder and throughout Salesforce. Without using any code or a middleware service like Mulesoft, you can set up straight integrations as needed.

Where: Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Lightning Experience are all affected by this change.

Who: Admins need the Manage Flow and Customize Applications permissions in order to use HTTP Callout.

Service Cloud Channels

Messaging and Service Cloud Voice now has new functionality. Create messaging components in Messaging for In-App and Web and the upgraded Facebook Messenger channels to convey structured content, such as queries with prepared answers. As well as using Conversation Intelligence to provide agents with real-time advice while on phone calls.

In Messaging for Web, choose a Key Action for Enter or Return.

Where: With Digital Engagement and Messaging for In-App and Web SKUs, the Enterprise Edition of Service Cloud includes this capability. With a Messaging for In-App and Web SKU, this change also applies to Service Cloud Unlimited and Performance versions.

Who: Admins have the ability to modify metadata and customize applications Permissions can alter the behavior of the Enter and Return keys using the Metadata API Functions.

How: Pressing Enter or Return causes a new message to be sent by default. Go to Settings on the Embedded Service Deployments configuration page and choose Press Enter/Return to start a new line of text to alter this behavior. Pressing Option + (Enter or Return), in either scenario, overrides the setting.

These features are just the tip of the iceberg. There is more to unveil in our upcoming blogs in detail. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, if you are looking to implement these features into your organization to stay ahead of the curve, you are at the right place. Get in touch with our experts at Apphienz today to discuss your requirements. Visit our website to know more or write to us at [email protected]

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