You Know CRM, but What About Contextual CRM? – CRM Software Blog

Author JC Quintana

The most powerful relationship development efforts have one thing in common: they are contextual. To be contextual, something must relate to the needs, circumstances, and characteristics of a subject. When I make customer relationship development contextual, I make it about you, your needs, characteristics, capacity, and circumstances. Why then, should we not expect customer relationship management technology to help us be more contextual? Why not Contextual CRM?

Contextual CRM (or customer relationship management) can be a powerful tool you can use to improve the way you interact with your customers. At its core, contextual CRM is all about using relevant and personalized information to create more meaningful and effective interactions with customers.

In the past, CRM systems were primarily focused on storing and managing customer data. It has been a useful tool for keeping track of customer information, but it did little to help companies actually engage with their customers in a meaningful way. However, the advent of better channels to engage with human beings and their increasing expectations that you know them better than your competition requires more from CRM tools. This is where contextual CRM comes in.

Contextual CRM uses a variety of data points to build a complete picture of a customer. This can include information on their past interactions with your company, their demographics, and their current situation or context. By using this information, you can tailor your interactions with customers to better meet their needs and improve their overall customer experience.

For example, a company that uses contextual CRM might use data on a customer’s past purchases to recommend products that they are more likely to be interested in. They could also use data on a customer’s location and browsing history to send them targeted marketing messages. And they could use data on a customer’s recent interactions with customer service to provide more personalized support. By using relevant and personalized information, companies can create more meaningful and effective interactions with customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, revenue. By using data to make better decisions, you can optimize your marketing efforts, sales strategies, and customer service interactions to achieve better results. Results that align with the specific needs of customers.

Contextual CRM is a powerful tool that will help you improve the way you and your company interact with customers. By using relevant and personalized information, you can create more meaningful and effective interactions with customers, leading to increased loyalty and revenue. If you are looking to improve your company’s customer engagement, consider implementing a CRM system that helps you be more contextual.

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